The under graduate program of Mechanical Engineering department with intake capacity sixty (60) was introduced in 2009, the year of inception of STAR. The intake capacity was increased to 120 in 2012 considering the demand for the program in the state of Odisha and the neighboring states as well. With the sincere effort of its well qualified faculties, the department has set up state of the art laboratories like Testing Lab (Material testing and Engine testing), Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machine (FMHM) Lab, Heat Transfer & Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (HT & RAC) Lab, Metrology Lab and a Computational Lab. The Department of Mechanical Engineering strives to be recognized for outstanding education and research leading to produce well-qualified engineers, who are innovative, entrepreneurial and able to take challenges in advanced fields of engineering and research.
Department Mission
To improve the young Mechanical Engineers to understand the emerging trends in technology and make them the leading professionals in the ever changing environments. The all round development of personalities of our students may pursue them to take up any challenges in their life for excellence.
To inculcate values to our young dynamic Mechanical Engg. For fostering the natural resources in a balances ecosystem with a greater capability & capacity.
Department Vision
Manifestation of pioneer technocrats in sublime talents admitted into the department.
Material Testing & Dynamic Lab
Digital Universal testing machine of capacity 20 tons used for tensile test, bending test, compression test, shear test.
Brinell hardness testing machine.
Izode/ Charpy impact testing machine
Rockwell hardness testing machine.
Flywheel to find moment of inertia
Beam deflection apparatus to determine Young's modulus of different materials
Heat Power & Thermal Engineering Lab.
Diesel Engine Test Rig for heat balance and load test.
The following Machines are installed: 6 Nos of Lathe, 2 Nos of Milling apart from this there are Slotting, Surface Grinder, Planner Machines, Shaper, Power Hacksaw, Grinder, Pillar-type Drilling machine, Arc Welding machines and Gas Welding machines to help the students to perform all the required experiments with ease.